Vivo on Monday officially launched its Vivo Y27L smartphone for the Indian market priced at Rs 12,980. The smartphone is already available via online and offline retailers. The company has also announced its Y31 smartphone, set to launch next week, without pricing and specifications.
Vivo Y27L is powered by an 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor coupled with Adreno 306 GPU and 1GB of RAM. The processor is designed to achieve a top speed on 4G network. The device comes with 16GB of built-in storage which can be expandable upto 128GB via microSD card. The device features a 4.7-inch HD IPS display with resolution 720x1280 pixels.
The Vivo Y27L sports an 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. The camera features Night, Panorama, Bokeh and Face Beauty modes. Bokeh mode takes a photograph that highlights the focused subject and blurs the background. Artistic photos can be shooted by this mode. Children mode allows you to capture sweet smiles of your children.
The dual-SIM dual standby supporting Vivo Y27L runs its native FunTouch OS 2.0 UI based on Android 4.4 KitK. Vivo Y27L supports Indian 4G LTE bands (2300MHz and 1800MHz) along with GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Micro-USB connectivity. It also includes different sensors such as ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, gravity sensor, and E-compass. The device is backed by a powerful 2260mAh Li-Polymer battery.
Y27L has a Hi-Fi chip AK4375, which is exclusively developed by Vivo and AKM, for better sound experience. The super screenshot feature helps you capture multiple screenshots that can be saved as one extended picture. Screen recording and smart wake are also included in the smartphone. Smart wake lets users access different applications directly from the lock screen with a simple finger swipe.
Vivo Y27L comes with a high quality design. The device measures at 136.9x68.1x6.99mm and weighs 137 grams.The design of the 6.99mm thin body, made of magnesium alloy, and a metal back cover gives you a comfortable touch.
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